I could not decide what pictures to put up of this family! Seriously, could these little guys be ANY cuter? Their eyes are so penetrating, I loved taking photos of them. It is always fun doing pictures of friends, it seems to be a bit more relaxed. The more relaxed the better the pictures, I think. I hope you enjoy looking at this cute family as much as I enjoyed taking and editing their pictures.
How beautiful is this little girl?! And how beautiful is her blessing dress? Her awesome Grandma made, yes MADE this dress for her to be blessed in. I just wanted to share it with all of you! (Not to mention I will use any excuse to put up pictures of sweet Jane!)
Wow...this was a workout! Really, I don't think I have ran, jumped, or played tag more in any other shoot than I did with this cute family. They were definitely entertained by me, if nothing else. We had a very eventful evening, but ended up getting so AWESOME pictures. Each one of these kiddos has their own perfect personality, and I really enjoyed getting to know them better. (The last picture pretty much explains the evening...) Both Megan and Travis had the best attitudes, they were looking at me and smiling in every picture, no matter what their energetic kiddos were up to!